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girl guides 〔英國〕女童子軍。

Officiating at the ceremony , the permanent secretary for health , welfare and food health and welfare , ms sandra lee , said : “ i am delighted to see the scout association of hong kong and the hong kong girl guides association rendering active support to the campaign and setting up the ambassador programme with the assistance of dh . 生福利及食物局常任秘書長生及福利李淑儀女士于開展禮上說:我要多謝香港童軍總會及香港女童軍總會,在生署的大力支持下,發起和組織健康飲食大使計劃。

girl scouts

Officiating at the ceremony , the permanent secretary for health , welfare and food health and welfare , ms sandra lee , said : “ i am delighted to see the scout association of hong kong and the hong kong girl guides association rendering active support to the campaign and setting up the ambassador programme with the assistance of dh . 生福利及食物局常任秘書長生及福利李淑儀女士于開展禮上說:我要多謝香港童軍總會及香港女童軍總會,在生署的大力支持下,發起和組織健康飲食大使計劃。

He is currently member of the film services advisory committee of hksar , committee member of the fundraising & promotion committee for the agency for volunteer service , member of sub - committee on promotion and publicity on volunteer service of social welfare department , honorary president of yau tsim da of hong kong girl guides association , and member of corporate and employee contribution programme committee of the community chest of hong kong 汪博士熱心公益,擔任多項公職,包括香港特別行政區電影服務諮詢委員會委員、義務工作發展局籌募及推廣委員會委員、社會福利署義工運動義工服務推廣及宣傳小組委員、香港女童軍總會油尖分會名譽會長、香港公益金商業及雇員募捐籌劃委員會委員等。

Also addressing the audience was the chief commissioner of the hong kong girl guides association , mrs julita lee . she said that a booklet on healthy eating ambassador programme had been prepared . it covered four areas of challenges , namely , knowledge , attitude , action and promotion so that young members may acquire healthy eating habits in an enjoyable manner 另一主禮嘉賓香港女童軍總會香港總監李張慧美女士致辭時說,希望透過健康飲食大使小冊子的內容,包括知識態度行動及推廣四方面的挑戰,令幼童軍及小女童軍在學習健康飲食的知識及行為培養時更感興趣。

In order to enrol more members to assist in reporting fire hazards and disseminating fire prevention messages , in addition to the scouts association of hk , hong kong girl guides association and the estate management advisory committee , the fire safety ambassador scheme has been extended to members of the civil aid service and auxiliary medical service 除了男、女童軍和屋?管理諮詢委員會成員外, “消防安全大使”計劃已擴大至吸納民眾安全服務隊及醫療輔助隊的成員,使更多人加入協助舉報火警危險,以及傳遞防火信息。

The programme , organized by dh in collaboration with scout association of hong kong and the hong kong girl guides association , was aimed to encourage some 50 000 cub scouts and brownies to develop and maintain healthy eating habits . they will also help spread the messages across to the community through a range of community services 健康飲食大使計劃由生署香港童軍總會及香港女童軍總會合辦,目的是配合健康飲食在校園運動,鼓勵約五萬名幼童軍及小女童軍學習和實踐健康飲食,并且透過服務活動,廣泛宣揚健康飲食的信息。

An environmental leadership training camp was organised between 8 - 12 august 2005 which enabled 100 environmental leaders , including outstanding and merit sepas , junior police call , scouts , girl guides and youth leaders from the mainland and macao to share their environmental experiences 在2005年8月8日至12日, 100名杰出及優異的學生環保大使聯同少年警訊童軍女童軍及來自內地及澳門的青年領袖一同參加環保領袖訓練營。

Join active extra - curricular activities like becoming a boy scout or girl guide . engage in regular physical activity e . g . playing badminton , table tennis etc . with friends or classmates 課余多選擇動態的消閑活動,如跳繩、跳舞、踢球、打波等,切忌沉迷枯坐的活動,如打游戲機、上網等。

Under the programme , training workshops on healthy eating will be held for leaders of scouts and girl guides to help them organize related activities effectively and with confidence 主辦機構并會為導師安排培訓課程,加強他們對健康飲食的認識,讓他們更有能力和自信地帶領各項活動。

Guiding was established in the uk in 1910 and was introduced into hong kong in 1916 . the association was then an oversea branch of the girl guides association of uk 女童軍運動于1910年在英國創立, 1916年傳入香港,并注冊為英國女童軍協會的一個海外分會。

As an example , mr kwan cited a two - month volunteer service programme recently launched by his team in collaboration with the hong kong girl guides yau tsim mong district association 他以公務員事務局義工隊最近與香港女童軍油尖旺分會合辦的義工活動為例。

In 1978 , the association was independent from the uk and became an associate member of the world association of girl guides and girl scouts ( wagggs ) 總會于1978年脫離英國女童軍協會獨立,同年成為世界女童軍協會的附屬會員,后于1981年成為正式會員。

Mrs susan tang was interviewed by thirteen girl guides . the programme will be broadcasted on 7th september 2006 at 4 : 00 - 4 : 30 pm on atv children channel 本校女童軍白安琪,程詠敏獲邀訪問名人,播放時間:九月七日下午四時至四時半,亞洲電視兒童臺

Girl guides association is one of the uniformed groups in hong kong and is also the largest female organization in the territory 女童軍是香港青少年制服團隊之一,亦是全港最大的女性組織,會員人數約四萬多人,大部分為青少年。

1963 - miss m . t . de figueriredo , the 1st international commissioner of hong kong girl guides association middle with guides in shatin hut 香港女童軍第一位國際事務總監(中坐者) miss m . t . de figueriredo與女童軍攝于馬會小屋。

To kickoff the scheme , boy scouts , girl guides and members of the department ' s public liaison group were trained as fire safety ambassadors 計劃的第一步,是將男、女童軍和消防處的公眾聯絡小組成員訓練成為消防安全大使。

Ms theresa tao chee - ying is the principal of hong kong true light college and assistant chief commissioner of the hong kong girl guides association 杜子瑩是香港真光中學校長及香港女童軍總會香港助理總監。

A prudish girl guides instructor teresa takes a group of 6 girl guides for overseas training 古板的童軍教練杜麗莎帶領六名童軍到海外集訓。

Sir edward youde addressed at the grand opening of the hong kong girl guides new head quarter 香港女童軍西九地方協會油麻地區會成立典禮